The Centre for Particle Physics (CPP) based at the University of Alberta (Alberta) is a unique national research resource (CPP+) that enables and facilitates the effective access of its users to a number of major international resource centres, namely: BNL, CERN, JLab, the Kamioka Observatory, the South Pole Neutrino Observatory (SPNO), SNOLAB, and TRIUMF.
The CPP+ is truly a unique organizational centre of a national consortia based around its cutting-edge, up-to-date and comprehensive technological, manpower and infrastructure resources. This CPP+ national consortium now directly involves as co-applicants: Alberta, Queen's, the University of Regina (Regina), the University of Toronto (Toronto), and York University (York). The set of user groups associated with CPP+ is much larger, and includes collaborators from institutes in Canada and around the world, including the major research centres: BNL (USA), CERN, DESY (Germany), Fermilab (USA), Jlab (USA), Kamioka (Japan), LBL (USA); SACLAY (France), SLAC (USA), SNOLAB, SPNO and TRIUMF.
Our unique national resource efficiently addresses the requirements of the groups involved providing maximum access with minimum duplication of MRS personnel capability. It provides the possibility for "load sharing" across numerous projects and, crucially, aids in the preservation of a pool of highly skilled and experienced engineers, technologists and technicians that are invaluable in maintaining Canada's international scientific standing.
The CPP+ MRS Centre must demonstrate significant use of the resource by sufficiently large number of suitably qualified users from outside the CPP+ MRS member group. Allowing the potential for collaboration with complementary Canadian or, if applicable, international resources.
If you are a potential national or international user of the CPP+ MRS Centre then please go to the links provided to review the extensive facilities of our centre and then send a Letter of Intent (LoI) to the CPP+ operating committee (OPCOM) using the links available at the top of this page. Note that if your project is not in the NSERC-SAP arena of activity you will probably be required to provide full cost recovery for any work carried out.